Follow the link below to see some great motorbike routes starting and ending in Macclesfield; these go South of Macclesfield.
Follow the link below to see some great motorbike routes starting and ending in Macclesfield; these go South of Macclesfield.
Check out some great motorbike routes starting and ending in Macclesfield; these go east of Macclesfield.
Continue reading “Ride-Outs – East Of Macclesfield”
Having been on many short ride-outs, either on my own or with A.N. Other person, this is the first of merit to let you know about!
As with most of these events, it started with a phone call the afternoon before from a longstanding friend(s Dad, Philip) asking if I like to join then on a ride at 11am the next day. (The friend, Liam, lives in London so these ‘group’ Ride-outs only come by when he’s visiting home).
I cleaned the bike down and fuelled her up in prep for the next day, which reminds me, the bike still hasn’t been named! Suggestions welcome!