New Site Go-Live

If your a regular visitor to the site you’ll notice that the site has dramatically changed. This has been done to make it a lot easier so add more content so I can keep the site current and hence, giving you guys more updated content to look at.

The main feature additions that you’ll see are the:

  • The use off RSS feeds – so you can subscribe and stay up to date with the sites posts
  • You can register yourself – so you can comment on the posts and post your own feedback
  • New gallery display – photos are now grouped by the headers Photos, Portfilo, Places, Gigs & Events. These groups contain albums, which when clicked on opens the gallerys. Gallery pictures can then be clicked on to open a picture and to initiate a slideshow.

I hope you like the new site, enough telling you about it… now go and check it out and make sure you register so you can comment on the articles etc!!